Friday, July 17, 2009


I've been using the above 2 words very often since past 3 days. In fact, they get a mention in every second line I speak. Whenever I get up in the morning, it feels as if a small cloud has engulfed my throat. It takes lot of effort to clear it. I'm also feeling a bit feverish.

Bloody, there is a doctor in my company's first aid center and he is one crazy guy. Though I have respect for his age and degree( I think he is over 50 and works for one of the best hospitals in the country), I think he is a nut. Below is an excerpt from today's conversation

Me:- Good morning Doc!
Doc:- Hi Unplugged! You are not seen since so many days.

Me:- Oh Doc! I've been keeping really fit these days Is he crazy? Doesn't he want the people to be healthy??? I though of saying 'I'm having an apple every day( remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away)

Doc:- How is your stomach? I remember treating you after you did some 300ab crunches and destroyed your abdomen
Me:- Oh yeah! I'm fine and the abs are fine too

Doc:- Do not work out too much....blah...blah......(Non stop)
Me:- But I......., Doc......., No, but.........Please.....
Despite doubling the rate of the cough and 'ahem...mmhhh'., I was ignored

Doc:- (After 5 complete mins) Tell me what's wrong?
Me:- Thank god! At last! Doc I have cough

Doc:- I had the same problem 2 days back. This is a minor problem.Don't pay attention to it? You'll be OK in 1 or 2 days

Me:- I also have a running nose
Doc:- Ah, this is minor problem?Even I have a running nose. See.....(wiping his nose with a tissue paper).

Me:- Doc, I also have a pain in the right shoulder blade and I'm barely able to workout
Doc:- Everyone suffers from pain one day or the other...blah...blah....

Me:- (Crazy shit! I resisted the thought of punching his over sized tummy a good 100 times)

OK doc. I'm leaving.

Doc:- No Unplugged. I was just kidding. Sit down
Me:-No doc, I'm fit and fine. I'm feeling better than ever and as you said, these are relatively minor problems

Doc:- Here, take these tablets and see me on Monday
Me:- Thanks! I'm taking these with a rather heavy heart as that little talk of yours cured every thing...

Doc:- You kidding...right?

Imagine what would happen if such doctor is asked to treat an emergency case. This is not a one off case; Every time I go to see him, he behaves in such fashion. I don't know whether it is because of sheer incompetence or because it is different way of treating

Tomorrow, by the way, is Manhattan GMATCAT2. I'm looking forward to it

Ahmmm, mmhh...haanahhnnnnn



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